Our vision Intent

The overarching aim of the LPS’s vision is to improve the life chances and opportunities of the young people with who we work.  We offer provision which is designed to addresses the reasons why young people are at risk of exclusion from mainstream education. We encourage schools to opt for dual registration placements, in order to prevent permanent exclusion, and we tailor our provision offer in order to meet our students’ pastoral and educational needs.  We identify each student’s needs quickly and effectively and put together a programme which is designed to help them overcome their barriers to learning and raise their achievement. We monitor their progress while they are with us so that we are able to quickly identify when additional support is required. We recognise that in many cases we are only able to prepare young people for the next stage of their life journey and the impact of our interventions may not be realised for a number of years to come.  We aim to increase their attendance and support their reintegration back into mainstream education or more suitable education provision. We work closely with their school, partner agencies and family with the aim of building their resilience and confidence to lead successful and productive lives.


How we implement our vision

We implement our vison by ensuring that we always work with students who are the most in need of our support. We have robust referral arrangements which are based on a graded Pastoral Support Plan model. We challenge schools to provide evidence that they have explored all suitable options before referring a young person to our provision and we expect them to identify a clear exit strategy with us from the outset.  We require schools to provide us with clear and accurate information about each young person that they refer to us by ensuring that they complete an Information Passport for each young person.  We offer a flexible and responsive programme of behavioural and educational provision which is designed to address the reasons why a young person is at risk of exclusion and which also provides them with the opportunity to maintain or improve their educational potential. The majority of our upper school students access a broad academic & accredited programme of study [Including functional GCSE & BTEC qualifications]. We also commission vocational courses from a range of vocational providers. We test our students on entry and track their progress over time. This enables us to measure the improvements that our students make and to identify when they might be experiencing difficulties. If we identify any concerns we provide a tailored and flexible programme of Learning Intervention & Support [LISP]. In order to ensure that young people are ready for the world of work we offer an accredited employability course and access to high quality CEIAG.


How we know our vision is working

We know that our vision is working because our monitoring & evaluation programme and student outcome information tells us that:


  • The large majority of our students are admitted on a dual registration basis and return to mainstream education or suitable alternative education provision.
  • The large majority of our students make expected or above expected progress in the key subject areas.
  • Our Learning Intervention & Support Programme interventions are effective and result in students making rapid progress in their reading & writing and being able to access our academic curriculum more effectively.
  • Our PSHE programme supports our students to become more resilient individuals and to make healthier and more informed life style choices
  • Students who access vocational courses also achieve well and the vast majority of our school leavers take up post 16 offers of employment, education or training.
  • Schools, parents, partner agencies and  young people provide us with positive feedback and tell us that we are doing a good job



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