Leicester Partnership School Curriculum Offer
Key Stage 3 – Provision & Curriculum Offer
General Description: The intention of the KS3 programmes is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which incorporates both academic and practical subjects. There is a focus on personal and social development and students are supported by staff to think about their behaviour, recognise the triggers for any unacceptable behaviour and consider and implement any strategies for improvement. Schools will refer students for a part-time programme with a view to the students remaining on their roll. Students who attend the full-time programmes will either return to school, secure a managed move to another mainstream school or move on to a Special School. Some SEND students who may already have an EHCP and are awaiting a place at a Special School or are nearing the end of the Statutory Assessment process are often referred to LPS for support. |
The Educational Purpose of Each provision |
Title of Provision |
Description of Provision & Curriculum Offer
KS 3 - 1DP |
Often students who attend this programme also attend for an additional 2 days. This programme focuses on students developing their personal, social and communication skills within a more practical curriculum. |
KS3 - 2DP |
The aim of this programme is to maintain the academic levels that students have achieved in school whilst addressing their social, emotional and behavioural difficulties within a more practical curriculum which has an emphasis on PSHE. |
KS3 - 5DP |
The curriculum in this programme compliments the work that has been undertaken in schools, building upon and developing knowledge and skills already acquired. This is a broad and balanced curriculum which focuses on both academic and practical subjects whilst incorporating PSHE and Careers education. |
KS3 - SEND |
The curriculum in this programme is similar to the 5DP programme in that students are given a broad and balanced curriculum. An emphasis for students is to develop their literacy and numeracy skills within an academic and practical framework by completing work that has been differentiated to meet their needs. Students who have low levels of literacy and/or numeracy receive support from L.I.S.P (Learning Intervention Support Programme). The aim of this programme is to provide students with the opportunity to raise their literacy and/or numeracy levels so they are able to fully access the curriculum in line with students of a similar age. This programme also offers students the opportunity to develop their communication, social and interaction skills within a nurturing environment. |
KS3 - Pupil Premium |
All students who are deemed to be Pupil Premium have access to a broad and balanced curriculum incorporating both academic and practical subjects including PSHE and Careers. It is expected that these students will achieve in line with students who have not been identified as Pupil Premium. |
KS3 – Capable Learners |
KS3 Capable Learners irrespective of the programme they attend have their work differentiated to compliment the level that they are working at. These students have opportunities to extend their learning during lessons. |
Personal Development
Title of Provision
Description of Provision & Curriculum Offer |
All Provisions |
The intent of PSHE education is to provide opportunities for pupils to develop essential skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe and to thrive in life and work. These skills and attributes include resilience, managing peer pressure, empathy, communication and negotiation, team-working, adaptability, risk management and personal, interpersonal and social effectiveness. Pupils develop these skills and attributes while learning about the areas as highlighted below Core theme 1 – Health and Wellbeing
Core theme 2 – Relationships
Core theme 3 – Wider World
Key Stage 4 – Provision & Curriculum Offer
General Description: The majority of our Key Stage 4 students initially access our RAVE reception programme for two weeks. The students are academically assessed in maths, English and ICT using the Forskills assessment and diagnostic tool. This quickly establishes working at levels for students and work can be appropriately differentiated. Students receive support on vocational learning opportunities through the use of Lead Practitioners and Vocational Assistant Lead Practitioners. This enables the young people to make well informed realistic decisions about the selection of appropriate vocational provisions and to complete the continuum of support in the young person’s varied educational pathways. The pathways are progressive and ability specific with YR 10 students following a Functional Skills maths, English, ICT and PSD programme. This offers on demand testing and builds success, achievement and progression into the young person’s education quickly throughout the academic year. Those YR 10 students who have achieved well, attended at a high level and demonstrated positive behaviour for learning then move onto the GCSE & BTEC programmes of study in YR 11. This range of academic and vocational qualifications is diverse and allows the young people to select what Vocational pathway they want to follow. They also receive the support from a bespoke Vocational Support Worker to assist with attendance/attainment and pastoral matters. The support workers liaise with the academic team to create a joined up and progressive pathway into Post-16 applications and destinations. The KS4 team also benefits from the use of a PA that is allocated from Connexions. This wrap around support ensures that all Yr 11 leavers receive a FE or training provider opportunity Post -16. |
The Educational Purpose of Each provision |
Title of Provision
Description of Provision & Curriculum Offer |
KS4 – 5DP [RAVE - Reception] |
The Rave provision provides students with the opportunity to begin the transition from mainstream school into LPS educational pathways. Our intention is to begin developing their confidence in education through the use of a broad and varied vocational and academic study programme. |
KS4 - Functional Skills |
The Functional provision provides the you people the opportunity to gain ability level appropriate qualifications in English, math, ICT and PSD/Employability qualifications one day a week. This programme supports vocational learning and offers academic qualifications from Entry level 1 all the way up to Level 2 qualifications. |
The GCSE/BTEC programme offers high ability learners the opportunity to gain Maths, English and Science qualifications through accessing two days a week at the Carisbrooke centre. This is a programme of study that is applicable to YR 11 learners who have demonstrated high levels of attendance and ability levels that will enable them to cope with the higher academic content. |
KS4-Vocational Learning |
We have close partnerships with a range of AP Providers All of the LPS vocational provision is H&S compliant through the use of LEBC who quality control all provisions to ensure they are operating safely. We complete quality assurance checks through annual Lesson observations and Marking scrutinies. The vocational Assistant Lead Practitioners visit students weekly to ensure Attendance, Attainment and progress is at a high level. This is completed through the allocation of student case load dispersed across the two members of staff. Those two staff liaise back with Lead Practitioners on the Carisbrooke site to ensure the continuum of provision remains consistent and pastoral, behavioural and educational standards are expected to remain high. |
KS4 - Pupil Premium |
Pupil premium students will be supplied with additional resources on a case by case basis to ensure they gain the same knowledge and understanding and make progress at the same rate as their peers. |
KS4 - Higher Level Learners |
LPS higher level learners will have the opportunity to access level 2 academic and vocational qualifications that will be tailored to match need and provide appropriate stretch and challenge. |
Personal & Social Development
Title of Provision
Description of Provision & Curriculum Offer |
Functional Skills |
At Key Stage 4 it is intended that students will deepen their knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during Key Stage 3. The PSHE curriculum will reflect the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others. In addition some students have the opportunity to work towards achieving a Personal Social Development and Employability Skills qualification (Qualifications and content listed below) Level 1 diploma in Personal Social Development Level 2 diploma in Personal Social Development (In process of being developed and ratified) Level 1 diploma in Employability Skills
Course content
Personal Social Development
Students who undertake these courses attend for two days per week only. The curriculum focuses on gaining subject specific qualifications and therefore PSHE is not studied as a discrete subject. However students who access these programmes will have the opportunity to receive 1:1 support from a Career Advisor on as many occasions as is required. They will also receive assistance in the completion of the E-Prospectus College & Training application. |
KS4 - Vocational |
All KS4 LPS students will have the opportunity to gain vocational qualifications, skills and qualities alongside academic qualifications. With the two combined strands of learning it is expected that the young people will be able to make well informed realistic decisions about career and post-16 choices to ensure they have the opportunity to progress and move into appropriate Education, Employment or Training. |
For further information on the curriculum being taught in our school, please contact: