SEN Information

Leicester Partnership School SEND Offer

Leicester Partnership School is a Pupil Referral Unit that can cater for learners with a variety of Special Educational Needs and Social Emotional & Mental Health Needs. We are an inclusive school and strive to support all our young people to make the best possible progress and to achieve.  We provide effective support for children with special educational needs, beginning with our first contact with parents and carers and referring schools when the child enters our school.  We ensure that additional needs are identified early and we offer a range of provisions according to identified needs.  We work alongside a range of other professionals, (e.g. Health or Social Care, Educational Psychologists, SEND Services and alternative vocational providers) to make sure that all children receive the support they need to do well at school and when moving on into adult life.

The LPS has a variety of in-school and off-site provisions to meet the diverse needs of young people with social, emotional and mental health needs.  All students allocated a placement here receive a tailored provision based upon a regularly reviewed and detailed Education, Health and Care Plan.  We have a range of specialist staff within every classroom and a pastoral support team, and we work closely with outside agencies across the city to ensure we address the needs of each child and their family.

A student who has Special Educational Needs, and who is not on the roll of the LPS will have already been identified at their mainstream school and relevant information is passed onto The Leicester Partnership School through an Information Passport.

The primary aims of SEND Provision at Leicester Partnership School are:

  • To ensure that every young person with SEND is offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education.
  • To provide support for a young person to enable them to develop skills in literacy, numeracy, personal, behavioural, social and emotional skills in order to equip them for future life.
  • To ensure that a young person with SEND has their needs met during their time with LPS.
  • To ensure that effective communication takes place between LPS and mainstream schools in order for there to be continuity of provision wherever possible for the young person with SEND.
  • To engage the views of the young person, their mainstream school and their parents/carers when discussing matters relating to SEND and to keep all parties well informed of any developments which may affect the young person.
  • To co-operate with all relevant agencies to ensure the needs of a young person are met.
  • To regularly monitor and review the provision and progress for each young person with SEND
  • To keep detailed and accurate records for each young person with SEND.
  • To provide detailed information for The Leicester City Education Health and Care Statutory Assessment process and produce written reports for all review meetings at all levels.
  • To make a request to The Local Authority for an Education Health and Care Statutory Assessment for students who are on the roll of LPS if it is deemed that the student has more complex needs.


Please select the link below for information on how we support the needs of students who have SEND:

SEND Info Report



Our SENDCO contacts are:

SEN Contacts

Anita Tribhovan

Anita Tribhovan

Senior Teacher /SENDCo (KS4)
Phone Extension - 4050

Dan Thompson

Dan Thompson

Phone Extension - 2043


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