Careers Education & Guidance 


At The Leicester Partnership School, we are passionate about supporting students through the process of deciding upon the direction they take after finishing school.  We provide impartial guidance and advice on further education, training or employment across KS3 and KS4 and involve many outside agencies such as employers and education providers.


The CEIAG Strategy at The Leicester Partnership School will be led by the eight Gatsby Benchmarks and the three PSHE Association core themes. Through the use of these key principles across the Key stages we aim to create an inclusive CEIAG programme that will raise student’s aspirations, support transition into further education and employment and enable students to develop the skills and outlook they need to achieve career wellbeing, adaptability and resilience.


Gatsby Benchmarks

Benchmark 1: A stable careers programme.

Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information.

Benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of each pupil.

Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers.

Benchmark 5: Encounters with employers and employees.

Benchmark 6: Experience of the workplace.

Benchmark 7: Encounters with further education.

Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance.


PHSE Core Themes

1: Health and Wellbeing Core Theme

2: Relationships Core Theme

3: Living in the Wider World


Find our Careers pages here:


At key stage 3, students build on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and values they have acquired and developed during the primary phase. PSHE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media. 


At key stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3. PSHE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others


For Further information about careers guidance at our school please contact:

Careers Advisors

Andrew Barrett

Andrew Barrett

Assistant Head of School (KS4 Education Centre)
Phone Extension - 4030


Meet our alumni

In this section you will get to hear about some of our fantastic former students.  We will share their journey into the world of work or their next steps in education or training.  We are very proud of our alumni and that many give time to come back and talk to our students.

Are you a former student from our school?  We’d love to hear your story and perhaps feature you on our website or invite you to call back to our school and talk about your career pathway.  There are lots of ways to do this but have a look at our Employer Area for some ideas and do get in touch!


Leicestershire’s Labour Market

We think Leicester and Leicestershire is an amazing place to live and work.   As one of the most vibrant areas in the East Midlands there is a lot to shout about.  In this section we will start to share information about different industry sectors, careers pathways, types of jobs and lots more for both parents/carers and students.

Quick fact… did you know in Leicester and Leicestershire over 99% of local businesses are micro (0-9 staff), small (10-49 staff) or medium enterprises (who employ 50 to 249 staff).  If that sounds interesting, you could visit the World of Work website which has much more information on the local labour market with easy-to-read facts and figures.


We run lots of inspirational events for our students

From year 7 onwards students get lots of opportunities to think about what their next best steps will be. As part of this we will be shining a spotlight on events we put on with guest speakers from the world of work and education. We will share the impact this can have on helping our students think about their futures and what has inspired their careers education journey so far.


note: This Information is reviewed termly by the school 




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