School Main Phone Number - 0116 303 3281

  School Main email address - 


Below are the contact details for all our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) and Safeguarding Governors. If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to a child at our school, please contact one of the members of staff below:


Safeguarding Contacts

Shaun Whittingham - DSL

Shaun Whittingham - DSL

Head Teacher

Nicola Anderson - DSL in SLT

Nicola Anderson - DSL in SLT

Senior Leader – School Improvement

Rebecca Edwards - Lead DSL

Rebecca Edwards - Lead DSL

Assistant Head of School - Safeguarding, Attendance and Admissions
Phone Extension - 2050

Lead Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Hilroy Thomas - KS3 DSL

Hilroy Thomas - KS3 DSL

Senior Manager - (Behaviour)
Phone Extension - 2030

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Andrew Barrett - KS4 DSL

Andrew Barrett - KS4 DSL

Assistant Head of School (KS4 Education Centre)
Phone Extension - 4030

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Toby Jeffery - APST DSL (KS3 and KS4)

Toby Jeffery - APST DSL (KS3 and KS4)

Inclusion & Taskforce Officer
Phone Extension - 2100

Pranay Pancholi - Vocational DSL

Pranay Pancholi - Vocational DSL

Vocational Placement Manager
Phone Extension - 2080

Safeguarding Governors

John Henrys

John Henrys

Chair of the Management Committee
Tel :07908 854241

If you have any concerns about the well-being or safety of a child please speak to a school DSL or contact me.

Arafat Q Hingora

Arafat Q Hingora

Safeguarding Governor

If you have any concerns about the well-being or safety of a child please speak to a school DSL or contact me on or


Here is our schools Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy together with a student-friendly version created by our own student council:


Safeguarding Policy

Here are links to the Department for Education's (DFE)'s Keeping Children Safe in Education documents, together with translated versions in different languages:


Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 (English)
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 (Translations to Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Gujarati, Polish, Portugese, Punjabi, Romanian, Somali, Spanish, Ukranian and Urdu


If, as a parent or carer, you require any information or guidance relating to the safeguarding of children please click on the link below.  The LSCB website provides Parents /Carers and those working with children with a comprehensive range of advice and information on what action to take if you have any concerns about the well-being or safety of a child.  You can use this link to access the LSCB

Website -

We encourage students to share any concerns or worries they have with us using the 'Let It Go' Helpline. Available 24/7, students can use the email address Alternatively, a form can be found at

Additionally, here are a range of links to websites containing information which you may find useful:


Child Sexual Exploitation Nude Selfies
Children at Risk of Serious & Organised Crime Safeguarding and Child Protection
Domestic Violence and Abuse Sexting
E-Safety Sexual Consent
Female Genital Mutilation Trafficking Children
NSPCC PANTS Campaign   Leicester City Council Early Help


IWF - Report Anonymously - Child Sexual Abuse Images or Videos


Live Safe Making our community a safe place to live - LiveSafe



Is WhatsApp safe for my child? - How to keep children safe






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