Before the Christmas break, Leicester Partnership School had a donation of hygiene and sanitary products from Tesco. Sharon Matthews, KS3, Lead Practitioner, was the member of staff that kicked things off and got the ball rolling, heres what she had to say.  

"I was so grateful and amazed by Tesco's generosity. Their donation was received with great happiness and gratitude. The students were so happy to receive their personal development packs. This will be life changing for some. It's something they and their family will appreciate, especially at this time of year. For our school we will use some of the products donated as resources in our personal development hygiene sessions and set some aside for any student who may need to use them while at school. A big thank you to Tesco for supporting the community from all at Leicester Partnership School"

  • Sharon Matthews (Lead Practitioner)

Another big thank you to Kerry, Tesco Community Champion, for helping make this happen.

What is a Tesco Community Champion? - A Community Champion is one of the links between the store and the community it serves. They are a store colleague who cares passionately about their community and the role that Tesco can play in supporting it. Community Champions are always happy to help and have the know-how, resources and time to dedicate to Tesco customers, their colleagues and the wider community.